Privacy Policy

Restaurant Nebo
Panamarenkoplein 5, 2000 Antwerp
VAT BE 0749.587.195

What data is collected and what is it used for?

The data that are collected are those needed to perform the job or to prepare an offer.

These data may include email, name, address, phone number, email, company name, company email, company address, company phone number and VAT number.

Nebo collects and processes your data when you request information, request a quote or use our services.

If you are a supplier, Nebo may keep your data of your company and its employees as a function of cooperation, agreements and communication.

Nebo processes both customer and supplier data for necessary accounting records and these are maintained as long as required by law.

Legal basis for processing personal data

Nebo collects and processes your data based on the contractual relationship we have with you and to fulfill our legal obligations.

Where the collection and processing is not necessary to carry out the contractual relationship, it is based on the legitimate interest of Nebo as a company, in particular freedom of enterprise and information. The privacy interests of the data subject are always weighed against the interests of our company so that a balance exists between them. You always have the right to object.

Will the data be communicated to third parties?

Your customer data is never shared with countries outside the european union unless you are expressly notified or you request it.

Inspection and correction

In accordance with GDPR legislation, every person has the right to access, possibly correct or delete their personal data.

If you wish to exercise this right, you may do so by writing to Nebo, Panamarenkoplein 5, 2000 Antwerp or electronically to With this letter you should enclose:

  • A recto version copy of your identity card (for the purpose of proving your identity).
  • A written statement of what exactly you want (correction, inspection or deletion of your personal data)
  • The e-mail address at which you may be contacted if you require confirmation of performance
Additional questions or comments

If you have any questions or comments after reading our Privacy Policy, you may contact us at if you wish.